Friday, February 4, 2011

VEGAN challenge

oprah.  oprah.  oprah.  i love her.  and i am SO sad that this is her last season because her new OWN network isn't cuttin' it.  period.  its not in HD and i have yet to see a show that i like.  sad.  anyhow... i record oprah everyday and usually find time to watch it on my days off while im folding laundry or cleaning the house.  the topic of the recorded show i watched yesterday was veganism  and food consumption awareness.  her guests included  famed food author michael pollan, author and well-known vegan kathy freston, as well as general manager of cargill meat solutions beef processing facility in fort morgan, colorado, nicole johnson-hoffman.  the show was very informative and eye-opening and even included footage of oprah correspondent, lisa ling's tour through the cargill slaugherhouse with nicole johnson-hoffman.  the video was graphic, but terribly interesting.  johnson-hoffman did an excellent job of explaining the methods and processes of the facility during the tour.  but what i found most intriguing was that after seeing the slaughter right in front of her eyes, lisa ling, a meat-eater before the tour, still eats meat after what she saw. 

oprah challenged the staff of harpo studios to a 7-day vegan diet.  the challenge was optional, however 378 staffers, including oprah, signed on: no meat. no milk.  no animal anything.  one week.  so, like i have done before, i am going vegan for a week.  however, my biggest challenge is not giving up animal products, its convincing my husband to get on board with me.  i gave him the heads up today and he says he is going to think about it this weekend.  i figured we would start on monday, after the big game this sunday.  that will give us a weekend of gluttony followed by a week of cleansing.  as for myself, i have done many vegan cleanses in the past.  most of them including no alcohol, no caffeine, and no processed carbohydrates.  because heck, i can go on a tater tot and cookie binge all week and still remain vegan.  thats not the point.  so, even if i cant get brian to join me, starting monday, february 7th, i will be on a vegan diet.  

i purchased two new books for my kindle to get me motivated.  you should too!

stay tuned for my daily journey through my 7-day vegan challenge


  1. I read Micheal's book. I LOVE to eat well and feel so good when I do. We dined at Veggie grill last great ..also Zinc in CDM is good. Can I just go out for all my yummy VEGAN meals ?? I will join you in your challenge !!

  2. try native foods & 118 degrees - a raw restaurant. both are at the camp in costa mesa!

  3. I heard the Omnivore's Dilemma is a good book too! Good luck with the vegan diet. Maybe you can tell us what to eat each day - I'll choose as I go a long if I want to participate.

  4. good luck, dear. tots and cookie dough are my favies. - i remember you showing up to natalie's grad party in hb during your cleanse at ucla (when you ran to the street corner mailbox to return blockbuster dvds) - everyone was floored a your transformation. pretty drastic. ENJOY YOUR GREENS! <3

  5. Todays the day..what's happened so far ???
