Friday, January 6, 2012

cleanse: day five.

day five and going strong.  although all i can think about is french baguettes and butter croissants.  i am normally a sweets person, but haven't had a single craving for anything sweet or sugary.  the only thing i have been craving is meat, something more hearty and substantial, and BREEEEAADDDDD!  i could seriously mow down a whole baguette right now, but thats beside the point.  my energy level is up, aside from the fact that i am suffering through a cold and my son has bronchitis (yuck!).  i dont feel hungry, but i am sick of eating salad and soup.  i am definitely looking forward to adding back seafood and beans on monday.  YES!  for the past few days i have been blending my breakfast.  

my normal breakfast blend:

frozen blueberries (my drink MUST be cold)
orange juice (for taste and easy veggie blend-ability)
chia seeds (yes i said CHIA - i buy these in bulk at sprouts or whole foods)
2 stems kale
handful or two spinach
half an apple
small beet
 if i had fresh flat leaf parsley, i would add that too, but my garden has gone dormant for the winter 
and i haven't picked up any from the store.  flat leaf parsley adds a real "fresh" taste.  
hard to explain, but so so GOOD!  (today i added some strawberries and tomatoes that i needed to use before they went bad)

it really looks awful, but its delicious.  i would say its an acquired taste and at first i thought it tasted like rabbit food.  i know its really good for me, so that also makes it easier to drink.  my blender is a health master (haha, super cheesy name).  but its been great.  blends practically anything, makes soups, baby food, homemade flour, puree/food process... i thought about throwing it out the window the other day, but it was operator error.  i would LOVE to have a vitamix, but don't really have the $500-600 dollars to spend.  maybe for my birthday?

lunches have been a freshly made salad.  spring mix, fresh berries, half an apple, avocado and some sesame garlic dressing.  salt and pepper to taste.  i love this salad, but am really tired of eating it.  i guess i should change it up a bit.  snacks have been fresh fruit/veggies and almonds.  i have also been drinking herbal and green tea throughout the day and plenty of water.

ready for the weekend!! well, actually i am looking forward to monday for once!

happy cleansing!


  1. what's the cleanse schedule again? I might start feb 1.

    cleanse schedule.

    in my breakfast blend recipe, the "chia seeds" is a clickable link that takes you to this page:
