Monday, January 16, 2012

mirror painting

yesterday was bit cloudy, rainy, and pretty darn cold.  kai still really wanted to go outside so i set up a painting invitation for him.  when i say "invitation,"  i mean something that i have set up in advance for him to discover/explore on his own.  a lot of my ideas to keep kai engaged in play-based learning activities come from the play at home mom blog i follow.  they have been a great inspiration to me and have a blog packed full of fun ideas to do with kids of all ages.  i usually tailor their ideas into something that will work for kai, myself, and with our environment at home.  

in our backyard i set out a beach towel with four mirrors, two plates with two colors of paint each, and four paintbrushes (one for each color).  i lead kai outside to the "invitation" and he attacked, haha!  he LOVES paint and would paint all day everyday if i let him.  the only thing stopping him is me and sometimes i feel guilty about saying no, but there are just some days when i just DO NOT want to deal with the mess.  yesterday wasn't one of those days and kai was THRILLED.  

the "invitation."  i tried to snap a picture before kai started to paint, but you get the idea.

he went straight for the orange and brown paint, using one brush to mix them together and began painting the mirrors.

it wasnt long before he ditched the brushes and started painting with his hands and fingers.

he occasionally picked up the paintbrush, but had way for fun painting with his hands and checking himself out in the mirrors.  when he was done painting, i hosed down his hands and we ended up spending another half an hour playing with the hose.  we had a great cloudy, rainy, and cold day!

happy painting!

- the mrs.

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